Bita von Seil
1 min readJan 6, 2020

Shibari Poem

Photo by Peter Fleming on Unsplash

Rope slaps against the mat

the scrunch of jute cinching around bamboo

groaning under the weight

tugging, ties wound tighter

skin twisting

hair unleashed

cascading waterfall-like around a trembling figure.

Fingers purple, red nails reaching into space

grasping for reassurance

finding only distance.

Slap, swoosh, creak, gasp, sigh, tie.

Shoulder blade wings emerging to take flight

but crippled, bent, crushed

twisting and quivering like a moth

under a hot flame

the angel releases a wimper

dropping like a leaf on an autumn day,

her brief journey towards the light

no match for

the energy blowing at gale-force levels

pushing to a breaking point

Creak, creaking, thwack, twist, thump, tying.

Rolling, cinching tighter,

toes twitching

Purple fingers, anemones frozen in place.

Slowly they come to life, twitching too

turning, flickering

A lighthouse appears.

Hope unwinds.